What is it?
The Baratza Sette 30 is a dedicated home espresso grinder with 40mm conical steel burrs. This burr grinder uses a digital timed dosing system, stepped adjustment, and comes with a grounds bin.
Who is it for?
For the aspiring home barista who wants a grinder with a great set of burrs at the lowest price. You only plan to pull a few shots a day, so you’ll want something can single dose and be cleaned with ease. Space is a priority. You don’t want bells and whistles and you don’t mind having to alter your dose to dial in your shots, so long as it means staying in budget!
Why do we carry it?
The Sette 30 has its quirks, but it offers the same burr set as the Sette 270 (which we love) at an even more affordable price for those just dipping their toes in the home espresso game. Along with the great conical burr set, it also carries over the Sette’s fantastic single dosing proficiency and it just as easy to clean. Two twists and the entire burr assembly is accessible. Now for the quirks. As the name indicates, the Sette 30 only has thirty grind settings. We’ve found that when trying to dial in our shots we’ve had to play with our dose at times to get between those stepped settings. The Sette 30 also has a few more plastic parts than the Sette 270. All in all, though, the Sette 30 retains most of what we love about it’s bigger brother and makes home espresso even more accessible. That last bit makes it a win in our books.