What is it?
The Anfim Luna is a commercial espresso grinder that produces consistent grounds in 5-6 seconds with minimal heat and friction. Its grind-by-time function is easy to use, allowing you to program three grind settings on a large & tactile 3.5″ touchscreen. The Luna’s stepless grind adjustment employs a worm gear, making it extremely easy to fine-tune with just two fingers instead of moving an entire adjustment collar.
Who is it for?
The Luna is for a commercial espresso setting, including, but not limited to, low to medium-volume cafés, coffee carts, catering, food trucks, and offices. Home baristas may also find the Luna a significant upgrade if they want more workflow consistency, enjoy entertaining, and make drinks for others.
Why do we carry it?
The Luna is similar to the Mahlkönig E65S, but it doesn’t break the bank. It’s a workhorse that minimizes heat when pulling multiple shots back-to-back, helping your espresso taste the same as it did on shot one as it will on shot 30.